Category:Food & Beverages -> Food Ingredients
Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Kalisz |
Street: Wrocławska 53-59
Phone: +48 62 762 09 13
Fax: +48 62 762 09 13 |
Firm Rank: |
 The company LENA 2 was established in 2000. Its main product is high quality stock for use in confectionery and baking.
Its market niche was established with the launching of the "Baker's Mixture". Reaching out to meet the European Union's requirements, the company set up a new production facility in 2004. At the same time, the HACCP quality control system was introduced. Current market demands are met owing to a modern machine park facility and systematic instruction of employees in[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Sady / Tarnowo Podgórne |
Street: Ludowa 6
Phone: +48 061 8146537
Fax: +48 061 8146174 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Bakery-confectionery company “Glutenex”, with its seat in Sady near Poznań, is a producer of special nutrition articles of consumption, non-gluten (marked with a crossed ear), low-protein (with PKU symbol ) and for diabetics ones.
The company’s assortment contains bakery and confectionery articles such as bread, rolls, crackers, pastas, biscuits, wafers, ginger-breads, brioches, sponge-cakes and many others. The company’s products are made only on the bases of natural ingredients[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Cuiavia and Pomerania
City: Wlocławek |
Street: Skrajna 34
Phone: +48 054 2365771
Fax: +48 054 2365771 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
P.P.U.H. "Formica" to firma powstała w marcu 1998r. we Włocławku. Od
lat specjalizujemy się w dystrybucji szerokiej gamy surowców, które
znajdują zastosowanie w przemyśle cukierniczym, piekarniczym, wytwórni lodów i
mieszalni pasz.
"Formica" to dynamicznie i sprawnie działająca firma handlowa, która
skupia kompetentnych, a przede wszystkim, odpowiedzialnych pracowników.
Konsekwencją działania specjalistów w dziedzinie handlu jest zapewnienie
Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Ostrów Wielkopolski |
Street: Okopowa 7
Phone: +48 062 7353691
Fax: +48 062 7352552 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Jesteśmy dystrybutorem produktów cateringowych. Mówiąc ściślej - współpracujemy z działem Unilever Foodsolutions, który jest częścią koncernu UNILEVER. Dział ten jest poświęcony tak specyficznemu rynkowi, jakim jest gastronomia i zbiorowe żywienie.
Posiadamy w swojej ofercie ok. 200 pozycji asortymentowych dla wszystkich firm zajmujących się zbiorowym żywieniem. Produkty dostarczamy do szkół, stołówek, barów, restauracji, ośrodków wypoczynkowych, jednostek budżetowych[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Czempiń |
Street: Jarogniewice, ul.Ogrodowa 1a
Phone: +48 61 2823163
Fax: +48 61 2823152 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Please feel invited to familiarize yourself with our offer and cooperate with us.
Our profile: production of concentrated fruit and vegetable juice and puree:
- onion puree
- apple juice concentrate
- cherry juice concentrate
- black currant juice concentrate
- red beet juice concentrate
- carrot juice concentrate
Our mission: to be a trustworthy partner and to meet our clients'
Location: Maxfrut is located in the region of Wielkopolska, near the
national road no.[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Kalisz |
Street: Długa 38A
Phone: +48 062 7603076
Fax: +48 062 7603076 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Dear Sirs,
We are trade company with ten years experience.
We specialize in product for food production.
We co-operate with many companies from Polish and European market.
Our offer:
- Sugar
- Whey in Powder
- Milk in Powder
- Whole Egg Powder
- Yolk Egg Powder
- Ascorbic Acid
- Citric Acid
Our product posses every necessary certificates.
Please contact us if you will interested in our product.[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Western Pomerania
City: Szczecin |
Street: Jodłowa
Phone: +48 91 4230122
Fax: |
Firm Rank: 0 |
CHOCOLATE WHOLESALE Take advantage of our extensive range of products from the processing of cocoa beans. We specialize mainly in powders, natural and alkalized cocoa. The standing offer powders of domestic producers and import. Always low prices. You can find wsszystko which involves the cocoa beans, the same beans, butter, cocoa liquor and chocolate and couverture. Please Call 501 389 105 write kontakt@chocotrade.pl[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Słupno |
Street: Norwida 1 c
Phone: +48 22 6662994
Fax: +48 22 6652023 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
BART is producer and distributor of food, pharma, cosmetic ingredients in many european countries. We offer natural colours, sweeteners blends, nutraceuticals, cosmeticals, gelatin, plant extracts, gelling agents and others. The new production unit was opened in 2006.[...]