Category:Agriculture & Gardening Country:Austria Featured companies Natur4u KEG E.Boskova
The company is working mainly with the DF Fruits and Vegetables from the Balkan Region, Hugary and Polan. Own Line of natural without artificial aroma or konservans
Products "Sonnenschein", esspecialy typical Macedonia Specialities as : Ajvar, Grilled
red Paprika, Alma Paprika ( round) in pieces or stuffed with Kraut in yellow or red colour, Hot Paprika - small and round ( like a Bonbons) in yellow or red coulour, Paprika and Hot Paprika with fulled with cheese.
Leitmotov: The natur[...]
sunco agro gmbh
company sunco agro austria we are export fresh fruit and vegatables locatedinbananas trader company in ecuador it you are intersted fresh fruit an vegatables do you want premium bananas we offer the best prices for bananas from ecuador[...]
Import Export Regina Ryszka
Nasza firma zajmuje sie importem z Polski do krajow Uni Europejskiej glownie do Austrii gdzie firma ma swoja sidzibe. Dzialamy rowniez w odwrotna strone.
Nasza dzialalnosc nie ogranicza sie tylko do importu czy exportu, prowadzimy rowniez agencje handlowa, ktora kojarzy zainteresowane firmy ze soba, pomagamy w poszukiwaniu rynku zbytu na terenie Austrii oraz UE.[...]